'2013/02/23'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.02.23 AvsP mod 2.4.1
카테고리 없음2013. 2. 23. 16:11


출처 : http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=153248



- Add 'reload script' menu option

- Add 'use large size video controls' setting

- Add 'invert scroll wheel direction' setting

- Improve video zooming on Ctrl + mouse wheel

- Fix the 'navigate' menu options needing to be pressed two times when using a separate window for the video preview

- Fix the dragging of the handle of the separate window preview's slider

- Fix ScriptFile and ScriptName being swapped

- Accept several clip properties on the Pipe macro function's command line

- Other minor fixes

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